Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Opinion on Modern Slavery

Prior to writing this post I read two articles;" The Facts: Slavery, human trafficking definitions",and "Your tomato's possible ties to slavery" by Amanda Kloer, Special to CNN. Both of them confirmed my opinion that slavery never really left the United States, it just went unnoticed.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24, 2011: Book Reflections

So far i think the book is very interesting my favorite part of the book so far is chapters six and seven because of the way the author describes what was happening between Huck and his father in such great detail. Also, how Huck faked his death was immaculate he left no tracks but a ton of evidence of his "death".

Friday, February 11, 2011

Febuary 10, 2011

If I were in that situation I would either, flee Salem before being apprehended, or confess even though I am innocent. At this point I am not sure which one because both of these choices sound reasonable.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Puritans: Febuary 3,2011

What were some of the underlying beliefs that Puritans possessed? 
  Puritans believed that the sole purpose of life is to live glorifying the Lord and obeying the scriptures. They also believed that Jesus died because of the original sin of Adam and Eve, and they being the descendants of them should honor the sacrifice by living a life which was governed by his commandments and instructions.the Puritans hold matrimony extremely sacred and unified by God's will. Therefore, their approach to divorce is only under the following conditions: death, desertion, and adultery. In all the above cases the innocent partner is allowed to remarry.
How did their beliefs affect their daily lives?

  The man was suppose to be the head of the family and the wife was the one responsible for the taking care of the house and the kids. If the kids were not well mannered and given proper Godly knowledge and spiritual growth, the parents, especially the wife was to be blamed for it. The Puritan wife knew that her duty and responsibility was first towards God, then towards the husband and then towards the children.

Could you live in a Puritanical society?  Why or why not?
To live in this type of society would be difficult for me because it would be hard for me to see my mom basically be a robot. 

What would be the most difficult part (for you) about being raised in that type of environment?  The hardest part of living with these rules to me would be living by the bible all day everyday.

Thursday, January 27, 2011



The Crucible "Deep Thoughts"

The phrase that I chose was "It's more difficult to forgive yourself if the person you have hurt doesn't forgive you." I chose this one because a few weeks ago I went hiking and lied to my parents about who I was with and then I was forced to tell my parents the truth when I got lost. After this incident my parent could trust me or forgive very quickly, therefore, I couldn't forgive myself. I believe that once you figure out the true meaning of this phrase you will never want to lie or hurt anyone ever again. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thoreau's Civil Disobedience Vignettes

1) In this situation I believe that civil disobedience would not work because "I" had other choices besides enlisting into the military. Therefore, "I" sign up to fight for my country through anything, but if I really didn't want to fight I could "get injured" and LEGALLY not fight in the war.

2) If a person came to my door that was illegally in the U.S, I would choose to help them. Because no one can tell me who I should and shouldn't help.

3) I did not sign up for the military so I have obligation to fight for my country, and if someone were to try to make me fight I would gladly go to prison.

4) Yes this action is justified because they aren't displaying any violence.
