Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Puritans: Febuary 3,2011

What were some of the underlying beliefs that Puritans possessed? 
  Puritans believed that the sole purpose of life is to live glorifying the Lord and obeying the scriptures. They also believed that Jesus died because of the original sin of Adam and Eve, and they being the descendants of them should honor the sacrifice by living a life which was governed by his commandments and instructions.the Puritans hold matrimony extremely sacred and unified by God's will. Therefore, their approach to divorce is only under the following conditions: death, desertion, and adultery. In all the above cases the innocent partner is allowed to remarry.
How did their beliefs affect their daily lives?

  The man was suppose to be the head of the family and the wife was the one responsible for the taking care of the house and the kids. If the kids were not well mannered and given proper Godly knowledge and spiritual growth, the parents, especially the wife was to be blamed for it. The Puritan wife knew that her duty and responsibility was first towards God, then towards the husband and then towards the children.

Could you live in a Puritanical society?  Why or why not?
To live in this type of society would be difficult for me because it would be hard for me to see my mom basically be a robot. 

What would be the most difficult part (for you) about being raised in that type of environment?  The hardest part of living with these rules to me would be living by the bible all day everyday.

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