Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Crucible "Deep Thoughts"

The phrase that I chose was "It's more difficult to forgive yourself if the person you have hurt doesn't forgive you." I chose this one because a few weeks ago I went hiking and lied to my parents about who I was with and then I was forced to tell my parents the truth when I got lost. After this incident my parent could trust me or forgive very quickly, therefore, I couldn't forgive myself. I believe that once you figure out the true meaning of this phrase you will never want to lie or hurt anyone ever again. 

1 comment:

  1. Carrying around that feeling of “guilt” is awful; thank you for sharing a personal example. You picked a great topic; however, I wish you would have expanded a bit more. On a positive note, thank you for following directions and fixing all your grammar/convention errors before publishing to Blogger.
