Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Weather

Cold weather, to me, is way better than being hot because when it is hot there is really no way to cool yourself down without air conditioning or swiming. However, when it is cold out there are tons of ways to stay warm. So the cold weather doesn't bother me.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

11/15/10: Assignment

1. What is it that you want to learn?
      I don't know what I want to learn.

2. Why do you want to learn about this topic?

3. What language arts skills can you work on when learning about this topic?
      Comprehension and vocabulary

4. How are you going to learn about it?

5. How will you know whether you learned it or not?

6. What role should I play in helping you learn?

Friday, November 5, 2010

My Education: What Do I Want to Learn About?

My education from kindergarten to now has been mostly robotic. Lecture--notes--discussion--classwork--homework--project--repeat; give or take a classwork assignment.

For most kids school is never really something that they want to do it's more something they have to do. I am one of those oddball kids that enjoys learning and going to school. However, going to certain classes is a job in itself, history and English are subjects that I have never really been in to and the way that the schools teach it don't make it easier. When a class bores me my grades tend to drop.