Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Foreclosure: What Was Left Behind

Foreclosure is a big issue that has grasped the attention of everyone in America. People being tragically forced out of there homes, families having to abandon their childhood home full of secret memories. 


 "Mommy, Daddy, I forgot Mr. Teddy. Can we go back to get him?" Choking back tears of rage and regret,"Sorry honey we can't go back." "But why?" say the little girl as she begins to cry. "Just forget the bear, we will get you a new one!" the mother says in a tone so harsh it's almost like she is blaming her child, as the dad stays in a shameful scilence. The car stays stunded into peace, the parents can't keep their tears back. They look at eachother and see in oneanothers eyes that everything is going to be just fine.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Tyler Clementi

Tyler Clementi was an average college student, until his roommate, Dharun Ravi, decided to put web cameras up in their room. Then he went to fellow freshman Molly Wei's room and started a live stream of Clementi kissing a guy. This video was spread across the entire Twitter site. Days after this incident Clementi took his own life by jumping off a bridge.This "prank" video destroyed someones life and because of a homophobic roommate.This is a story that should make people feel and desire to be better Internet citizens. People also, should have learned that if you are homophobic then just keep it to yourself because some one just might loose their life and next time the gay might survive.